North Country Recycles - Turn in unneeded OTC & prescription meds at these locations
Pharmaceutical Waste

What is Pharmaceutical Waste? 

Any medication that is outdated, unusable, or not needed is labeled as pharmaceutical waste. Medicines must be disposed of properly as they can contribute to substance abuse issues, along with harming the environment. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has a complete map of their medication drop-off locations.  More sites exist at pharmacies, sheriff's offices, and more. 

Note:  All items should be placed in a plastic bag.  

Accepted Items: over-the-counter and prescription medications (including controlled substances), prescription patches, ointments, vitamins, drug samples, and pet medications.

Not Accepted: sharps/needles, inhalers, illegal drugs, hydrogen peroxide, aerosols, and thermometers.

Disposal sites for pharmaceutical waste are at the following locations: